
Canada & Africa

Organization Set Up to Provide Help and Raise
Money for Those in Need.



Catch us on YouTube to watch the latest podcast
Out of Edmonton.


Changing Lives

We have a lot of programs for youth
In Canada and in Africa


Youth Volunteers & Mentors

Through volunteering with us youth have opportunities to represent the organization at different levels. Now, more than ever, young black youth need you! Take a lead in supporting a young person through an ongoing one-on-one relationship. Serve as a positive role model and friend. Build a relationship by planning and participating in activities together. Strive for mutual respect. Build self-esteem and motivation. Help set goals and work towards accomplishing them.

Parent Feedback: My daughter met a tutor who said when she immigrated to Canada she could not speak English or do much and it gave her so much courage that one day she will be helping someone immigrating to the country.

Music Lessons

Memberships & Partners

Our Team

Our Board

Executive Director

Patricia Gumbo

Vice President

Charity Mongrain


Monica Wilcox


Joyce Vundla

Board Member

Sithabiso Malinga

Board Member

Susan Glover

Our Team

Our Zimbabwe Team

By Sihle-Sizwe

Anti Racism Statement

The beauty of Canada is its diversity made up of people and cultures from all over the World. Added to this is the freedom of association and religion as well as the peace loving and humble nature of Canadians. Canada has given immigrants a warm welcome, a taste of citizenship and the accompanying benefits. Looking at the recent occurrences in the United States concerning the treatment of people of colour, we all have been conscientized to the fact that our world is indeed unbalanced and calls for drastic changes to how humanity relates to each other. Whereas Canada has a very fair and concise set of rules of social engagement enshrined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, it takes citizens to practice the doctrines of equality before the law. The education has to be preached to those who feel victimised and even to those who are seen as the villains. It is important for society to understand that the colour of our skin is determined by much more intricate dictates of the universe which none of us can change. Our strength as the human race is derived from the differences we bring. The common pursuit of the human race should supersede all the artificial differences we might want to dwell on as being qualifiers to wealth, health and access to privilege. It is imperative for individuals to follow rules, to exhibit love and compassion towards their fellowmen, to seek to understand, and be willing to get to know the other. Individuals need to want to understand and to educate themselves about the other person. Our values as a people are shaped by our environments. As such, when immigrants land in Canada, they come with their differences which might prove to be challenges as they try to assimilate into their new environment. Barriers are experienced through language, culture, different educational credentials and other factors that make it impossible for people to be understood. As society evolves, it is important for opportunities to be made available for cultures, races, tribes and community clusters to seek to understand and enhance each other in the pursuit of social cohesion as we aspire towards a united human race championing common goals. Patricia Gumbo Sihle-Sizwe Vineyard Foundation

Patricia Gumbo Sihle-Sizwe Vineyard Foundation